This is a website which is being built by me and my friend for a company named TheSea, a company focused on helping Fisherman to sell their catch
Below are the projects i had the chance to work on
This is a website which is being built by me and my friend for a company named TheSea, a company focused on helping Fisherman to sell their catch
IndieHome is a static website that i built as a final submission for a course held by DICODING named "Pemrograman Web Dasar"
Gamifythink is startup company focusing in education. In this company my role is a front-end developer. My job here was to create dashboard page, ranking page, and profile page.
My Blog is a CMS(Content Management System) web made by me using react.js. The features included in this CMS are create a blog, delete a blog, and view all blogs or spesific blog.
Pokedex App is a web app that contains detailed data of every single pokemon. You can see image, movements, and types of a pokemon. You can also catch them and store it to your own pokemon storage